Meet the team

Volunteer Trustees

Mairi Carlton
Chair of Trustees, Shows in Scotland and Zoom host
Mairi is also a team member for Education.
Liz Alford
Vice Chair of Trustees and Company Secretary
Liz is also a team member of Finance & Planning and Facebook.
Fiona Millard
Treasurer, Website Manager & social media
Fiona is also a team member on Finance & Planning.
Carole Cowie
Risk register and Zoom host
Carole is also a team member on shows in Scotland.
Sylvia Fairhurst
Events organiser includes: GBBS & Beading Festivals, IBW, Exhibitions, Venues. Education, Knitting and Stitching shows organiser. You tube video tutorials. Zoom host
Sylvia is also a team member on Collections, Publications and Website.
Karen Gibson-Brown
Newsletter editor, Website administrator & Zoom host
Karen is also a team member for shows in the North of England, IBW and the Journal.
Denise Bending
Shows Coordinator
Sarah Longfield


Rowena Henderson
Journal Editor
The editor oversees all content, planning and production of the Journal. She writes up all of the projects, some features and some regular articles.
Alison Peacock
Membership & office administrator
Alison is responsible for all membership, sales and general enquiries.


Beth Newton
Journal Deputy Editor
Beth is responsible for features & regular Journal articles.
Violetta Pretorius
Advertising & Trade Liaison
Violetta is responsible for the advertising and liaison with traders on behalf of the Journal.
Helen Pocock
Pre-press & Print
Helen is responsible for the design, layout and liaison with the printing house for the Journal
Michael Wicks
Michael is responsible for all photography for the Journal and all new Guild publications.
Mathew Dalton
Web Admin
Mathew heads up the software team responsible for the website build and support.

Other Volunteers

Liz Thornton
Publication Illustrations & Education
Elaine Wood
Challenge Administration
Jenni Maynard
Groups Liaison
Joanna Jones
Journal book reviews
Cath Thomas
IBW Social Media
Carolyn Beer
BWG - Second authorisation for payments.