Beading School online event


Erika Sandor


Beadingschool is not only about beautiful jewellery, it’s also a community, and that is probably most clear through their #NoOneHasToBeadAlone series.

Erika Sandor’s #NoOneHasToBeadAlone was launched during lockdown, as she was looking for a way to contribute to the beading community.

Every week for the past two years #NoOneHasToBeadAlone has been offering a free online workshop using beads that are usually the part of every beader's stash: fire-polished beads, seed beads, round cabochons, pearls etc. These are delivered on her Facebook platform:

As well as her brilliant #NoOneHasToBeadAlone initiative that we featured in Octobers Journal, Erika also hosts a #CoffeeTimeWithErika session too, with special guests and she invited our Journal Editor, Rowena Henderson to join her this Tuesday 29th November, for a Christmas special and to introduce Rowena’s 'Wee Snowflakes', a free downloadable pattern which uses: Superduos, size 15 and 11 seed beads. They had a fantastic hour on Facebook live, beading and chatting with over 200 beaders joining them virtually.

If you missed it don't worry - the video can be watched at anytime, on our Facebook page:

The free  patterns featured on #CoffeeTimeWithErika are usually only downloadable for three days, but in the spirit of Christmas, Rowena’s free pattern is available until December 26th (see below).  To find details of all Erika's online events, visit:

Rowena Henderson