Annual challenge

Each year the Guild challenges its members to create a piece of beadwork based around a theme. All members are welcome to enter, with categories to suit all levels of experience from beginners to professionals. There are several categories to choose from.

  • Challenge in a Matchbox: the work must fit inside a box of matches. Any size of matchbox is fine, but a household matchbox is the maximum - approx. 120 x 67 x 27mm.
  • Other individual entries: the work and packaging must fit into a package no larger than Royal Mail Small Parcel (45cmW x 35cmD x 16cmH). However, the package may contain elements of a piece, which when assembled, is larger than the parcel in which it is delivered.
  • Group Entries: the work and packaging must fit in to a package no larger than Royal Mail Parcel (45cmW x 35cmD x 16cmH). The overall display size of the work should not be more than 60cmH x 60cmW  x 45cmD.

All entries are exhibited and judged at our annual event in May, when prizes are awarded. The winners are displayed around the country at beading shows and festivals throughout the year.

2024 / 2025 Challenge theme: 'Mardi Gras'

If you would like to take part in this year's Member's Challenge, please read the challenge guidelines below, then once you have completed your project, complete the entry form and send it along with your beadwork no later than Saturday 5th April 2025.